The SDGs and the term "sustainability" are rapidly gaining attention in the media. What is your impression of them?

I said "rapidly," and I think that many people in Japan think that they have suddenly emerged and taken root over the past few years.

However, in my case, it is a little different. Sustainability was the goal and vision I wanted to achieve from the moment I became a representative.

I earned a degree in development studies and Politics at the University of London, School of Oriental and African Studies(SOAS) the Mecca of development studies in the United Kingdom. That was about 20 years ago. When I returned to Japan after that, neither development nor sustainability was a popular concept in Japan.

The adoption of the SDGs in 2015 was just a start, and I believe that there is no future for companies without sustainability and contributions to the environment and society.

How can we realize sustainability through our corporate activities? Bona, which is headquartered in Sweden, an advanced SDGs country, has been thoroughly researching and developing environmentally, health, and socially friendly products under the philosophy of sustainability since I was a student at the University of London, or to be more precise, long before that time. Bona is one of the world's leading SDGs companies that has become a global company through thorough research and development of environmentally, health, and socially friendly products based on the philosophy of sustainability.

We have fully adopted Bona's products and systems and are using them as tools to deliver sustainable products and services to as many people as possible in Japan, with the aim of realizing a sustainable society.

What should we do from this moment onward to make the future better in 2030 and beyond? And how will we contribute to you, society, and the earth in that future?

Our mission is to seriously face these questions and realize them one by one.

MIki Sawada, President of Goldhurst Co.,Ltd.

Company Profile

Company NameGoldhurst Co.,Ltd.
PresidentMiki Sawada
Address1-26-21, Chodo, HIgashiosaka, Osaka, Japan
Business DetailsFloor Renovation and Maintenance
Wood Floor Products Sails
Bona Products Sails
SDGs seminors and consulting
Business Hours10:00~17:00(From Mondays to Fridays)